Scrambled Eggs and Good Sleep

Cenovio Villa, UAF board member and volunteer

We had a very successful mission trip!

Every one of the items we brought were desperately needed. You’d think that a month after the storm hit Fort Myers/Cape Coral things would be somewhat back to normal, but they aren’t. At least not in the neighborhoods where we volunteer. The debris from gutted homes is still out on the curbs. There is a strong smell of mold outside from all the wet drywall that was thrown away.

One of the first moms who received a cooktop, immediately opened it up and started cooking eggs for her kids. It’s crazy to think that she’s been struggling for a month to make her kids a home cooked meal.

Some of the families we met are still going to get ice everyday, so the new fridges were also a big hit! Some have little mini fridges, some don’t have anything at all.

The mattresses were by far the biggest hit. Most of the people we met have been sleeping on air mattresses and welcomed a nice sturdy mattress to sleep on.

We spent most of a day putting together bed frames and beds. It was a great feeling to see the families immediately start using the things we brought. They were definitely appreciated. There is still a big need and we will do our best to meet it!

Elizabeth Alex