One month after Hurricane Dorian struck the Bahamas, the affected areas are still without electricity, running water, and the most basic supplies for daily life. United Aid Foundation has answered the call for help sending four consecutive teams into the area.

Upon arrival in the the devastated area of Green Turtle Cay, UAF volunteers immediately cleaned storm debris from a heavily damaged church, then put a tarp over the roof in order to create a kitchen for the people in the area. Working alongside Brad and Lorraine Carlton, who transported our team via their boat, The Adventure, UAF has served more than five thousand hot meals.

Our volunteers then dug a one-thousand gallon cistern out of the ground, then cleaned and sterilized it and brought it to the kitchen to hold water and sustain the town.

UAF volunteers have worked tirelessly to clear debris, set up tents for storm survivors who need a roof overhead- as most of them do- and are assessing ways in which the organization can help those who do not have means rebuild. This is merely a snapshot of work UAF has done thus far, and there is much more to be done. We are motivated by the smiles of the people we serve there, especially the kids. We are grateful for the donors who are willing to make a difference.

United Aid Foundation